Individual Nutrition Counseling

About Individual Nutrition Counseling
Initial Consult
The initial consult is 60 minutes During the first session I will conduct an interview to get to know you better by asking pertinent questions about your health, weight history, weight struggles, eating patterns, and exercise history. The goal during this session is to generate a meal plan that will suit you best based on the nutrition interview.
Follow-up visits
Follow up visits are 30 to 60 minutes each depending on your needs. During the consecutive visits I will set new and/or review existing nutritional goals. During each visit the meal plan will be reviewed and changes will be made if needed to achieve your weekly goals.
My fees cover communication with your treatment team, doctors and/or therapist and reasonable phone calls. I accept cash, checks and credit cards. Payment is due at the date of service. Insurance is not a form of pay. However, some insurance companies do pay in part or in full for nutrition counseling with a superbill that can be provided upon request.
Cancelation Fees
The time that you schedule to see the nutritionist is a time that is reserved for you and no one else. Therefore, we ask you to cancel 24 hours in advance. There is no fee if you cancel on time. In the case where a cancelation is done within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment or a patient fails to show up for a scheduled session the full service will be charged.
- Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian (CEDRD)
- Registered Dietitian (RD)
Office Sessions
Online Zoom Sessions
60 Minute Initial Session
30 Minute Follow-up Sessions
Get Started Today!
Contact Jessica